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Useful Links

Hello. Below you'll find the various categories of links that may help to unravel the mystery that is Iran. If you've got any interesting links to share, please send them my way. Also include your name, e-mail address, and a sentence describing the content. This will help me, and I want to make sure you get credit.


Iranian Bloggers Iran News Government NGOs
IGOs World Perspectives Interesting Sites Send me a Link

Iranian Bloggers

(Based in Iran)
Did you know?

Iran ranks third in the world in its number of web logs, or "blogs", weighing in at over 70,000!

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Iran News Sources

An insider's perspective requires inside information. Each of the news sources below are published or broadcast from Iran. Many agencies exist, but unfortunately only in Farsi.

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Iranian Governmental Websites

Here are some government sites that may help to gain a better understanding of policy-making in Iran.

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Non-Governmental Organizations

Here are some links of Iran's non-governmental as well as non-profit organizations. While these groups may receive some funding from the government, as many NGOs do, they do not represent official programs under direct control or jurisdiction of the Iranian government. This is not a comprehensive list, but it was all I could find online and in English. Hopefully, this list will grow as more of Iran's NGOs build websites for the international community.

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Inter-Governmental Organizations

Iran is typically depicted as an unruly state, hence its membership in the infamous Axis of Evil. But the country has a different image, internationally, because of its involvement in numerous multinational organizations. Below is a list of IGOs in which Iran has its own web page. For the expanded list of membership, please refer to the CIA World Factbook or Pars Times, a useful directory based outside of Iran.

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World Perspectives

To see an issue in its entirety, it helps to consult different worldviews. The links below reflect a diversity of perspectives, from a multitude of countries. Some are familiar, while others are not. But they will all help us sharpen our insider perspective on Iran.

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Interesting Sites

Just some sites and blogs I skim over every now and then. Many are from Iran, while others from the U.S., and perhaps Europe.

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